Monday, September 03, 2007

its been a while...

well, it would seem as if I had disappeared.

not exactly...

as always I've been keeping up my connections with the australian fashion industry, the blunders... the ridiculous as the case may be.

I'm not sure if you've heard the one about the much lauded Sydney designer, whom several australian magazines, (vogue and harper's included) seem to genuflect before, revelling in his creativity and amazing way with textiles...

don't suppose it has anything to do with the japanese students he brought over to do it all for him? not that anyone really knows about these people... they just get the job done, he takes the credit. I'm not bitter about it at all, this is the fashion industry after all, you make it was it is. Still, credit where credits due, and I must give him credit for his amazing ability to pocket a profit at the expense of the minions.

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